Friday, August 20, 2010

Greenbelt Festival
Just released the new iPhone/iPad APP

It gives the programme/map and the interactivity you expect with a good app. Available iTunes and via the App/App on your iPhone.
Love it

I received no congratulations
Not in anyones diary
Anniversary of importance

Yes, yesterday, or 30 minutes ago as a I click this,
we moved from Wilson Mansions in Romford to

Mini-Mansions - right here at home.

Maybe I need to do an annual review
Hold an Annual meeting
Maybe not

But maybe a reflection on new life
new community
impact .......

Tomorrow we are looking after Connie overnight.
We are away working Grandparent and will love it.

The we will have a Champagne Sunday hey hey

Also Joy is back from Mexico tomorrow/Friday - missed her madley ....
and we are away .............

xxxthanx for being there
taking the trouble to click this way.
Appreciation and Love coming at you ......