Thursday, September 15, 2005

To tired to blog but ....

..... I will click one of those blogs tonight which starts with a blank screen and nothing else ............. it has been a busy week and it is only Wednesday night ....... but the w/ends seem to slide into the next week ......

In my work I work with groups or teams ......... or groups that want to be teams. I have had some wondrous opportunities to work with humans like this. I love it because once I get them interacting a dynamic develops which leaves me buzzing.

In preparation I usually feel an unease inside as I approach the event. I don't know what to do ....
First I need at least a one line objective from the person who has asked me to do the facilitation/training.
Second; I remain uneasy until I sketch out all the 'contextual' thoughts. Everything I know about the room, the seating, and the vibe. Also some estimations about the attitude and the feelings of those who will be present. Also age, gender and their likely response - nervous/excited/loud/quiet/outwardly bold but hiding inferiority ............. and more ..... all beautiful human persons ........ all beautiful imperfection ........... just like me ........
Thirdly my expansion on the objectives I have been given. Usually the word 'experiential' is on the list. Also fun, pleasure, satisfaction, stretch, trust, passion ........
Fourth I look at options to deliver the process and the objectives. I always design options for the start and end. So a list of options surface for the start, middle and end.
Lastly I make my notes on A5 paper which fold and slip into my jeans back pocket or my shirt breast pocket. The options cultivate flexibility and response-ability. Responding always to the humans present - the dynamic - the needs .......... I see their faces their emotions .......
I also have available a wide range of resources on my laptop, loads of blob trees of course, and a burley file of paper handouts.

Then with a wing and a prayer - plus a good vibe from the music ........... off we go ..... and I love it love it ...............

"One goal is to seek the person of high position, the great person, the spiritual person, the clever person, the fine person, the person who because of his or her talents or achievements represents a peak, as it were, in the mountain range of humanity.
The other goal is to seek the minorities, the physically and mentally retarded, the prisoners, and the despised; the degraded, the enslaved, the exploited, the weak, and the poorest of the poor.

The first goal aims to exalt the individual. The other seeks the wonder and mystery of God becoming human by seeking the lowest place.
Two completely opposite directions!
One is the self-glorifying upward thrust.
The other is the downward movement to become human.
One is the way of self-love and self-exaltation.
The other is the way of God’s love and love of one’s neighbor."
Eberhard Arnold
