Wednesday, November 02, 2005

This Blob is a bit tired tonight ........ funny how I was alive and kicking after the gig last night.
Tonight I got home about 8.30 and because Joan is away visiting her Mum - I cooked my speciality BBOT.
For lunch I had smoothy, a banana and a health bar ......... so not bad, with the baked beans on toast health-wise eh?

Had a great day being with beautiful humans who are living it out ...... a great day being with them and also 'becoming' with them.

Tomorrow I have my Norwegian friend Torgrim in town ...... so we will go and paint it ....
Tomorrow also - I have to take my car in the garage to have nearly £900 spent on a new steering rack ...... I feel on the rack .....
Week-end I have the Greenbelt Trustees in Conference - somewhere near Oxford I understand.
Must also send out more books to all you special humans who are ordering The Big Book of Blobs.

You are beautiful .......