US sailor pass by
US Air force humans
Short leather jacketed Pilots
groups of air hostesses
and the male variety
'Windy City' tees are on sale and on bodies
disabled assistance buggies bleep by
over weight humans
massive amount of multi ethnic humans
little kids
humans blur as they scurry by .........
Starbucks growing like no birth control
(bet there is no concern about Fair Trade Coffee here?)
I am in Chicago Terminal One - and ready to go home.
But no stinking free wi-fi
San Fran are sweeping the city with it
it seems to escape me here.
I am tired now
ready for home
think it is the whole journey weariness
maybe overjoy from the whole experience.
I have said before
It is strange to have so many experiences
without the reflective time.
Too tired to click on
will return to the keys in UK
Friday now
Will be Saturday before we hit English tarmac.
I switch my mind from me to you
I think you are beautiful
I hope for you
to feel that
to know
to become ....................................................