635 miles an hour
37000 feet
-50c outside
Just passed over Danaland
Between Portland and Chicago I started with a streaming cold.
(Did I tell you about the man who had a streaming cold?
He never finished his French Onion Soup!)
So here I am with a few days into the New Year 2008
2/3/4/5th day and my nose is the centre of the universe.
It is nothing like the Bronchitis of December 2007
No sweats and shivers.
No eye ache and head ache.
This helps me feel normal.
I feel good really::
5 Words to describe my life at the moment
Joan is fantastic.
Just thing thing for now.
I ask "How are you feeling?"
- she pauses
not the usual
"all right"
"Not bad'
which emanates from so many humans.
She pauses and then plucks out some feelings,
one by one,
directly from her soul, body sensations, awareness,on her mind and feelings of emotions.
I listen.
Only occasionally asking for a clarification.........
I click the iPod from Madame Butterfly to Sigar Ros.
The latter could be my favourite album of 2007.
It is Sigar Ros, Common, Pharoah Monch, or Cinematic Orchestra.
I am currently flying over Newfoundland.