Monday, May 02, 2005


Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.


.......... I am in an 'end of the w/e feeling' ...... it has been a good w/e and today has been catching up with inbox and domestics.
The other three days I have been out and doing.

Come Saturday we will be going on our annual holiday to, hopefully, the sun. Music - books - time together - texts to the Sheilas - swimming - nothing ........
So strange a week it is however - and it will be strange to move from winter clothes to a summer attire?
I still have my winter boots on and a tee under my shirt.
Roll on the shorts.

I am feeling ok but a bit strange as I approach a break. So much of my life is focused on mission and my non working time is always fused with my yearning to live and learn. I will enjoy a great break but am aware it will be a turnaround of the lifestyle. Love it love it ...

Leaving you with .....

Man, do you think yours is the only soul?
Look around you.
Everything that you see quivers with being.
Though your thoughts are free,
one thing you do not think about;
the whole.
GÃ'rard de Nerval
