Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.


.......... Bulgaria my beloved country ....... and was out with Joan and with Tony Yankabacova tonight for a nice pub meal. Bed and zedz would have been more attractive, seeing I saw the sunrise over the Wilson Mansions this morning/night, BUT with the special opportunity to see Tony - so ..... we rocked it.
I work as a Consultant Trainer -SHE, Mrs Yankabacova, does similar things in such special places as Kosova - as well as lead a YMCA in Gabrovo in Bulgaria. What a human to be with. We have known each other of 14 years.

So now it is a Cointreau and a first chat with Joan before we go to bed and get ready to commute for four hour tomorrow.

BUT !!!! as return under London tomorrow - I will be stopping off to meet both the Sheilas about 8pm to go and ligg backstage at the London BRMC gig near Kings Cross hey hey.

I have so much to tell you but life is rushing by quicker than these stubby fingers can click.
I do have irritation in my life because I cannot type and use things such as;-
lines and boxes
all intelligent things grrr

Is there anyone out there who is good at powerpoint? I really need to get all my blob trees and management/training tools onto powerpoint. I have some but what I need from you, dear intelligent humans, is how best to have them in ppt in a way I can flash - at a moments notice - to any one of my 100's of pictures and blobs. Then I will start to set up such a system - stubby fingers/fumbling human style!

Must tell you about some of the exciting things I am learning - or treading on, at the moment.

Goodnight - watch out for a review of 'the black rebel motor cycle club' and more importantly, the hanging out with my most beautiful daughters.
