Sunday, October 08, 2006


Hey ..... read about the
iPod Show
...... Richard is well worth a daily click and read ......

...... he also beat me too it in terms of a reflection from the gig last night ...........

Here is a snip Read the rest by clicking to him::
"It was a show for humans from all walks of life, who came together to share there thoughts and feelings…just with the help of music.
I think it’s a great way of to express your feelings. This was a great step for me to open up to others – telling the world about me – so they get to know me – who I am? What I am? And so on…

The major attraction of the show was the crowd – not too many – but good enough to have a closeness. Fascinating to watch and listen to children from age 7 years up to elders (age withheld) sharing their music and about themselves.

It was fun initially; then when everyone started opening up yeah! …. It was touching…you can feel their passion…their experiences…their life…

I believe music is a great way to express your feelings and your mood. I have heard residents in the YMCA listening to hardcore HIP HOP – ohh!!! Lyrics contains adults only language, that too early mornings.
I did always wonder why they have to listen to that kind of stuff.
Now it makes sense to me.
Music is so powerful."

(anyone know how I can get hit tracking for my Blog?
I have not a clue of how many beautiful humans enter this space - touch finger prints via these keys ......... and would love to know ....... ?????)

Here you see Big John and Jools at the Wilson Mansions Railway Station.
Also riding in the Wilson Mansions Train Service ......