Saturday, October 28, 2006

..tis the end of the day .............. only 10.30 UK time and 12.30 here. Seems along and it has been eventful. Working with groups of humans who don't know me.
Me no Finnish they having to concentrate hard because I am not talking about the weather. I do send them into groups where they speak Finnish but when we are in open session it is all my first language.
I only know two languages::
~ English
~ Body!!

But - only 7% of communication is verbal. So I make the 93% active(Motion Changes Emotion) and use lots of stories, visuals, and interactive exercises.

Really tired now. Need to prepare for the morning session. I know what I am doing but I need to recap every step and every possible scenario so I am tuned into them and still have clear focus on objectives and process.

Leaving you with wondrous wishes - may you be uncomfortable
May you 'be'
May you
disturb the comfortable
comfort the disturbed
and in yourself too ............

you are beautiful
