Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Here I am in Pipville ....
..... and I have been to a Greenbelt mtg tonight and not got Big John staying over. Strange because we usually have a late night drink and a L5.

But Joan is back from being with her ailing Mother. Wondrous to be back together and we love talking. We talk a lot.
It seems that there is endless conversation ..... never enough.

We were talking tonight about how so many humans we know Struggle with life emotionally. It is so sad.
It is not a good form of pain.

We talked about the life we have lived - selling up our home after one year of marriage and going to work in a School for young offenders.
About leaving our own community to go and live in the most deprived community in London.
About how the toughest of times have equipped us to cope with so much.
Working in pain.
With humans in pain.
Has in some strange way EQUIPPED us to deal with life much better.

How do we keep that balance in life?
Striving for personal wholeness
and at the same time
working for the wholeness in others
feeling it .....

It is great to just talk and feel the mind and soul of another

Here I am
clicking about myself
but I don't know about you unless you tell me

Some tell me who they are
and I love it
some of the best blogs for me
are when humans are so real and tell it
reality blogging
reflecting the rawness .............

"As human beings, our greatness lies
not so much in being able to remake the world
– as in being able to remake ourselves."
Mahatma Gandhi

It is a big journey we are on.
Growing and developing as an individual
at the same time
working and living for the same to become real
as I trust it may become
in me .............
