Sunday 25th March 2007
Bergen airport and the first time to reflect ....... and reflect we need to do -
otherwise a life experience is lost as a developmental experience .........
Spending time with a group is my favourite activity
I love getting to know
and building relationships
Humans never ever fail
to surprise me
can switch from howling laughter
to precious moments of wonder
as the click of two fingers.
Harvard gave me his objectives
He desired that his young leaders be given the opportunity to develop wholistically -
(and I never like spelling that with a 'h' - too 'holy' for me)
I like the process of becoming whole .............
He-desired that they become leaders
Humans who give to the wider community of humans in the Norwegian town of Voss
and therefore
multiply growth
of humans in this community
and beyond.
During the process of creating a climate of trust -
fertile ground ...........
I realised that the group had SO SO much potential that that I needed to go beyond the development of awareness and skills (Toolbox stuff) - and really get them into stretching their imagination and creativity for the benefit of others ........... and self of course.
So we did a
'reality analysis' together
then a
'needs analysis'
........ all within the concept of 'motion changes emotion' of course.
And then
and then
......... we moved into really great creativity and maximum participation .....
Using models of participation and creative thinking in small groups - they burst through a bubble of the now ...... into futurology ..........
all with the purpose of them themselves being the takers/come/makers ....... the future leaders of programmes which will impact humans in body/mind/spirit.
From then on they all went on a roll - creating contextual programmes which were poured into a funnel ......... resulting in wee mission statements and objectives. Even considering key areas of focus and key targets to get three priority programmes up and rock and rolling.
Youth-full creativity ........... and me?
- I loved it ............. loveitloveit.
So a week-end with a group of young humans ........ wondrous .......... but more to come from my visit to a town with a culture v special ...... think it needs to change it's name to
Vossski !!