Thursday, March 22, 2007

Comfortable .... ...... ...... ..... ....... ..... .....
.... ...... .... .... is a dangerous place to be.

I always write on planes trains and at airports.
Being alone for hours of travel - I want to record some of what is in the cement mixer of my mind.

I have no pretence, well - not much, about being important.
I know a man who, at every occasion - seeks out the most important person in the room (he uses the word 'man' - not person) and heads for them and engages with them.

Me - know my ignorance's - well ....... about 5%, but that is enough to know
I have had a poor education,
I have a serious addiction to spell-check,
allergy to clichés and a
celebrity skin rash.

Love is a dangerous activity.

So I know I cannot cover-up my fragility's with a nice smart suit, articulateness,social chatter, business sense, crossword puzzles and charm.
I may as well let it all hang out.
I am fortunate that I have no middle way options soooooo no masks in Pipville - well - I hope and yearn ... .....

Thought for the day::
We all need our backsides as much as we need our faces.

Some of you are fortunate to have one more attractive than the other ......