A woman in a full Burka ........ with white trainers and jeans poking out below.......
A woman sat outside a Tube station, young middle aged - dressed well - sat on the pavement - slumped - with a bottle beside her - sat in a pool of liquid (her own) - two Police officers alongside .........
A woman bent crouching down before her child's pram - feeding a tiny child with a glistening with sugar donut ..........
A man who's arm I instinctively grabbed as he stepped out into the road before a speeding car - and we exchanged affirmative eye contact as I walked on without interruption to my plugged in iPod ......
......... and I walked into work ......
Harvard, my great-human host in Norway, where I am working next week, has said that if we have any spare time, we can go and ski in the mountains around his hometown Voss!
I smile!
The nearest I have ever got to sking is with my big heavy backpack, ever present G4 Mac Laptop and loadsa other stuff, travelling the slopes of the London underground.
5o humans packed tight around me - all within eight feet.
The ski lifts are escalators.
The scene is urban - the mountains will shock ............ delightfully.
It has been busy in the interior pipwilson world.
And the exterior self has had to work out all that interior churning - into exterior action.
Home drained again tonight and another important day in the morrow.
It is not like going into work and picking up the in-tray, dealing with priorities, sorting the important out of the urgent.
It is going in and delivering a training experience, home made (prepared), which creates motion and learning in the experiential. It is busking it at the same time. Like surfing. Riding with the participants so that the pace is theirs - and yet stretching.
I feel I am learning the most.
I love it because I feel I am living on the Frontiers of lives changing ........ and that includes me.
Joan and me have been invited to have a Mothers Day late lunch at Sheilas, the Joy one, who returns from Miami the day before. (With a bluetooth Mighty Mac Mouse for me - and a new 'P' cap.)
I have two caps with a big golden 'P'.
I have had both for about 10 years and they are still worn in rotation but are a bit past the best by now.
Both the Sheilas will be with us and that is better than a lunch with Royals at Buckingham Palace.
So now I sit here, with Joan watching football on TV - sipping my first taste of Cointreau for days and tasting a wee cigar - again the first time in days.
I relax ............ in fact, that too is the first time for a few days .............
I must give the time to click some words about 'STAB' as I said I would yesterday.
BUT I am beginning to be excited at the prospect of publishing 'Gutter Feelings - 2007 edition' in the next few weeks. It will be an explosion of expression. I look forward to peeling off the layers of my onion soul and pouring out an unshackled soul.
I was thinking ................ if you have been a regular at clicking this way .... I was wondering if you may wish to comment on any of the things I have written here - which maybe worth touching on in the book. I will be writing it over Easter so if you have any thoughts - feel free to let me know any suggestions.
I would like the book to offer the best that it can be.
..... and I hope you are able to know and articulate how you are feeling.
More important than whether you are feeling good are bad.
Because feelings are signals.
Not judgements about your imperfection or beauty-full-ness.
You are beautiful ............