how are you?
I'm ok - how are you?
not bad - you ok?
...... well that is the end of cliché for the day ........
Felt more tired tonight than I have done for a long time. Loved the day - other than the four hour commute. London is like that. Yes - it takes that long to travel without going outside the urban landscape .....
A good day spent in a series of one-on-ones. Love it. For others to let me into their lives - emotions - feelings - yearnings - sadness' - hopes - needs and more ............ stinking beautiful.
I feel affirmed by their trust in me to be confidential and reflective back with them. That kicks me in terms of stimulus. It fires my imagination - questions with them - I see the human beyond the normal everyday transactions and I love it.
But I am tired. The commute home was a bit painful in terms of an aching body and stretched mind ..... but loved the stretched soul.
5 Words to describe my life at the moment::
...... and you?
I know there is much pain around.
Human adults who are in conflict with their parents.
Human adolescents who are in conflict with their parents.
Parents with few resources to bring to being successful parents.
When things go difficult - it seems there are few tools in the 'Life Toolbox' for so many grown up humans. We expect it more in terms of young adults and children. So sad to feel it and see it in older humans.
I feel I want to gather everyone together and generate a creative time - and fertile ground - and learning climate - and pull out the tools and have a practical session so that people can take away the tools and use them when needed.
.... and I wonder .......
about you ......... I know that some of you hurt - because you tell me.
I know that some of you struggle because you reveal that to me .....
And I appreciate that so much.
It is reality and when you share it - I grow in that reality and I believe you do to.
Not to open up, to at least one human, is a terrible experience in terms of pain.
Seems to me that we all need to tell another who we are.
I try to tell you when we meet or on these clicks.
Feelings are signals to us.
The ugly one are signalling that we need to do something about it.
The beautiful ones are signals that we are able to be alongside others who need our current beauty.
We all need support at certain time.
If we have never felt pain - we have never lived.
We do not believe in ourselves until
someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable,
worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch.
Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity,
wonder, spontaneous delight
or any experience that reveals the human spirit.
EE Cummings