........ backtoback busy here at Wilson Mansions so I will be brief as I need some zzzzzedz
Long day and Richard came around and we digitized an audio tape I did in 1992 about urban/faith/hope/youthwork/specialneeds/hurt/faith/journey and stuff ..... and hope to get it on Lulu dot com so humans like you can download it and listen to me giving 12 chats/stories/reflections/stretchy/stirrings ....... not heard it yet but now it is on my iTunes and maybe .......
...... Greenbelt can add it to the downloadable talks list - wow - fame at last - maybe fame ............ !!
Got lots to reflect upon.
Did a big chunk of work today on something I called 'STAB'.
When someone gets stabbed there is a bigger reality and a plea for training in this area.
I will do stuff later this week here ..............long day tomorrow ....... butnow zzzzzedzzzzzzzzz