Saturday, September 01, 2007

I don't know you now -you don't reveal yourself to me.
Passing words don't give me anything about you.
Time with you is passing and pleasant
Time with you is cursory
Time with you is fun
Time with you starts with you backing away
Time with you is something I would enjoy
Time with you needs not to be long
Time with you needs to bring closeness - not distance
Time with you is your time
Time with you is a desire from me
Time with you is absent - but it does not break my heart
Time with you has never been as lovers
Time with you has been as deep sharing friends
Time with you is now not deep
Time with you is now not as a friend
Time with you is not as a friend - deep and satisfying
Time with you - it's your time
Time with you - I love you ..................................
.......... timeless ..................

Pip Wilson bhp L5 ©
