Saturday, January 28, 2006

... had a great Greenbelt meeting today and feel like ........... ..... ..... .. we can change the world in some small way.....
........ and some bigger- bigger way when it comes to the individual ......... and who changes the world?

Love the passion and the stars around the table ..... all living it out there and coming together to inspire each other and a festival to come but also 'be' in the daily life of thousands ............... consider?

I was iPoded up on the train home - deep into the Guardian and Pete Tong ...... loveitloveit ........
......... "hello pip" said the voice from over the other side of the carriage ........ this suited and booted tall handsome guy, in his shades, stepped over to join me .........
I had not clocked him when he had joined the train.
I recalled him straight away as someone who I had built a relationship with in a YMCA Homeless Hostel environment. He is about 25 years old and looked good.
My mind flashed back over the interactions with him ....... the ones sticking in the scan were the violent ones. The abusive ones. The erratic ones. I knew he had mental heath issues and when he failed to take his medication - a different guy.

He told me enthusiastically that he had his own flat now - for two weeks.
"Where was you before that" I asked and he simply said the "the street".
When I had last seen him he had been sleeping rough for a few months - into years. He went on to tell me he was on his medication and off the drugs....... all in a loud voice. He went an to say that the discussions we had had together had been great - and a great help to him - in a loud voice. He said that, as a result, he had formulated a weekly programme of things he could do which were positive. Then how to recognise the signals when HUNGRY ANGRY LONELY TIRED and hen have positive things he could do when he felt those triggers.

"I need people around me Pip" he said.
"I get lonely"

We had been talking about 'community' at the Greenbelt meeting and how to sustain and develop that Greenbelt community.
My theory is::
We watch soap operas on tv because we need that life of 'community'. If we don't experience it for ourselves - we will watch more TV to get it. God is community and we want to build community as part of the kingdom building strategy. Any leader who neglects to build a community creates isolation. Scott Peck writes :: "Community is a safe place precisely because no one is attempting to heal or convert you, to fix you, to change you. Instead, the members accept you as you are. You are free to be you. And being so free, you are free to discard defenses, masks, disguises: free to seek your own psychological and spiritual health." - I believe that belonging to other humans is vital for security of self. It is the best place for growth and the best place for support - living in a flat on your own is maybe NOT the best for someone with special needs - without support.

When I did a job as a National Advisor, some few years ago, I laid these out for myself::
· To create a Buzz in England individual Communities about wholistic development which includes opportunities and wholistic development.
· To bring warmth to the cold and the cool
· Quench the thirsty
· Excite the soul
· Inspire all to take risks for their own development

Back on the train he was ready to hop off at his stop. He continued to disclose himself as if we were still in a group together - with some passion. We shook hands. We wished each other well .................. bless him.

Consider a picture of::
A glass jar full of marbles.
Which one is an image of community?

Humans like him need community.
Humans like me need community
Humans like you ............. and you?
