The Sheilas
I love em .........
Hi ....... I am tucked up on the sofa slowing down after a busy day and thinking about tomorrow.
More importantly, what am I feeling?
I have a self imposed commitment to
'telling you how I really am'
and not just filling the linear lines with activities or pipology.
'Why am I afraid to tell you who I am'
...... much mentioned favourite book of all time ........ and it is all about 'revealing'.
This I believe in.
Doesn't make it easy to do or be .............. just because I believe it.
It is a life long journey this stuff.
Masks seem to be like an onion.
One off
and yet more layers.
So I am feeling cool and collected.
Preparing my head and soul for tomorrow, I have done the detail prep and packed my heavy back pack.
I am leading a training session tomorrow for about ten youth workers and I love this stuff.
The week is like this. Different groups. Different jobs. All people workers. Different context - some I can tell you about and show the pictures. Some must remain more private.
So 'cool' I said.
Yes - I feel on the good side of pressure - no stress.
I think and feel for the future too.
I am no chicken now. My body that is.
I feel my interior is sharp and I feel I am learning more now than ever.
Feel the potential to be used is great.
People and organisations still want me to facilitate.
I feel I have lots to offer, with imperfection of course, I must add.
I feel good about all this - and I am pumping with excitement when in the middle of the melee of interactions and learning.
I sometimes think that I will, one day in the distant future, that I will not be able to do all this.
My old left knee, with it's old rugby injury, may stop me walking and commuting.
My eyesight may fail me.
But I cannot imagine what it may be like NOT to have motivation and passion.
Wow - what I thought.
I think mainly of positives when I think of the future.
I think of so many things I want to do.
To continue with the current loveology and the new .........
Exciting this week, as well as the challenges of working with beautiful humans, is a meal out with the Sheilas and their men. Love the thought of seeing them all.
When the Sheilas are busy or away - I really miss them.
AS the kids have grown into beautiful adults - I feel I miss them more than when they were little.
Maybe I am a softie ..............
My soul is only troubled when I think of others who are toughing it out at the moment .......
....... my heart is there ..............