..... had a day off today.
Unusual and I feel bad that I don't take days off.
Joan was drained from a few days in the north west of England, the home of Rugby League and a Mother with deteriorating mental health.
(I wonder if you and me will be hit by physical or mental health as we get older? - one will come earlier than the other I guess.)
We decided, at the last minute to drive to a small Essex County town called Saffron Walden. You world wide humans would love the oldy-worldly English houses, thatched cottages and narrow streets.
We headed for a restaurant which we love called The Hoops and found it had passed away four years ago! It had changed owners twice since our last visit but was good and beautiful for a couple of humans needing to unwind.
Then we tootled around the wee market and shops you would not find in Romford or the big city. Joan bought a couple of plants, I bought er - zero - (tell you the truth I have just had a phone call from our Sheila - Joy. She was in the Apple Store SanFran and she was getting a new Mac Book Pro for me right here right now hey hey.
Zig is on the rug looking like a beautiful non-human that he is.
I am sipping a Cointreau, what else on your day off! ........
..... and smoking a late night small and light cigar ............ hmmmmm
TV is off. I have just unplugged my earbuds from my wee Powerbook G4
- was editing an audio tape of talks I did some years ago - intend to place them on lulu dot com for mad humans to buy and download to their iPods world wide. Some good stuff I must admit. Stories about humans. Reflections and stuff that I still agree with!
When I was driving out today, I found myself designing a power point presentation in my head. All for a training course I am leading this week.
What is this all about?
That is when I decided that I need to taker some time off.
I need to release that coiled spring.
I need to breath in some fresh air and withdraw from the exhaust fume drugs.
I also need to read some.
I do read but it is all prep stuff for training courses.
I need to read for my soul.
Five words to describe my life at the moment::
...... and you?
Tell me or ............
at least tell someone ...........
because the telling does something deeper than just a self whisper ............
.... and can I say that I feel with you because, some of you, have told me how you are, and that is good for me - good for you ...... and I am honoured with your prized self revealed .......