..... funny
today ...... I turned in for a regular gig I do and they had changed the date without telling me.
I felt restless for hours afterwards
I guess I was coming down with the energy unused - eh?
Have had a good week.
I am concerned about a few beautiful humans ...........
Tomorrow is a Greenbelt Trustee day - AGM indeed.
Not inspired now
but always during and afterwards
always amidst beautiful inspiring humans.
Afterwards I travel for a couple of hours to a farewell/retirement do of a YMCA friend who is such a great geezer.
I don't feel like going
but I would not miss for the world
I am sipping lager laced in lime
TV as a mental shower
and hoping you are good
my team play in London
so me and Joan will be there
cheering our guts out
we need to win.
Busy week ahead
I feel excited about this
love my mission
lurve the meeting with new humans
stretching ......... and them too ...........
Joy is back from SanFran on Monday with my new Mactop and my two new 'P' caps
I need to see her because I love her and have missed her
in fact, getting my hands on the tech is far less important
Little She, called Ann, she is in Manchester filming the climax of a TV series which I will tell you about in a month(s) or so. loveherloveherloveher ..........
In a weeks time all the three women in my life
go to Marakesh for four nights
They have a girlie annual trip
and I love it for them.
...... AND ...... we have booked our annual holidays in about one months time
first time that is only one week - usually it is two
but I can do this between the courses and other gigs.
We are going to Greece and you will see the pipturesque scenes in due course.
This a Level Two blog - init?
No feelings here (L4) eh/
Maybe there is
I did see 'I loveit loveit' a few times!
It is late - ish ....... and yet I have lots of feelings beneath the surface.
I am ok with that.
I like being in contact with my feelings and try to understand them
after all
they are 'signals' .........
I want to touch finger tips with you .....
I can feel that - even at a distance ....................