We collect lots of things
we all do.
We collect files from all previous years of our life.
We collect in our soul
all audio tapes from our past
all video files from the past
and most powerful
all feelings files from the past.
The greatest journey is not the life we lead
the next task
the next job
the next relationship.
It is the journey inward
to discover what we are unaware of.
Only when we discover more
this road less travelled
an endless road
will we open up options for change
practical personal strategies for development.
And growth and development
does not reside in a place called
Most of our attitudes
are what we have learned from our past
few, if any, are original.
The tapes roll and we replay the past without knowing it
in our attitudes
in our non verbal communication displayed instinctively
in our delight as we look on another
or in our distaste
all demonstrated without thinking
the tapes are rolling.
The most powerful tape
a really big file
is the feelings file
getting the claws in whenever they can
but we can keep them all
and become more aware of them
use them for good
We need our autonomy from our filing system
all the files - all the tapes
still owning them because they are real
but autonomous.
A Direction
An agenda::
Awareness of the right here, right now.
That means becoming
becoming sensitive to all our feelings
recognising all sensations
in response to the right now reality.
Spontaneity to be able to be free
to chose
for our own
and eyes
in communication.
Intimacy is another growth area
Level Five with others
not only when they start first
opening intimacy from our own autonomy
clocking our own feelings
sharing them because they are our reality.
© Pip Wilson
23 April 2007