Thursday, December 06, 2007

Sore throat hmmm

or do I say

I am feeling a bit flat right now.
I will go to zzzedz soon.
Need to click first.

I am feeling like it is the end of the day and
so it is.

I ache a wee bit
Honey and lemon is the drink.
But these are just physical.
"We live equally out of our bodies and out of our minds.
Concerned as I am with this inner world, observing day in and day out it's devistation, I ask why this has happened?"
RD Laing

When I met humans - I discover that I join in on their journey.
Sharing at a personal level ensures that they know more about where they are, and feelings about life, and I do too.

If we don't share it
life that is
the ugly bits get buried inside
AND they are not buried dead
they are buried alive
they absorb energy
drain us from the energy we need to seek a wholistic life.

I am feeling pretty ok
beneath the tiredness
I would tell you if I am with you
being eye to eye
is more personal

Someone has got to start first
why not you?

“We become fully conscious only of what we are able to express to someone else.
We may already have had a certain inner intuition about it,
but it must remain vague so long as it is unformulated.”

From The Meaning of Persons,
by Paul Tournier.
