I have a 'Monthly eNewsletter' list of about 3,500 humans.
I have not been regular.
Last one out was last Christmas.
I am shamed ...........
And I am missing this Christmas because of disturbances here at
"Coughing Mansions".
So here is a little Christmas greeting to you
who find time on the slippery-Christmas slope
to click this way.
I plan to blog all this week
and over Christmas holiday days
and in the USA - we go 27/12
I will be posting some beautiful tunes too
Have you heard the current one on my blog piPod?
'James Brown' Go power at Christmas
it works up a storm
(make sure you get some decent sounding speakers for your computer
- it makes all the difference)
I will be clicking about my 'Selection Box 2007' offer - soon.
This is my annual selection and music-cd distribution to blog readers only.
with a Christmas cough and splutter - I will see you later
I think Jesus will be here again this Christmas
to tell you
'you are beautiful'
get close to hear the whisper ............
bend down - get closer ............
kneeling may do the trick .......
feel his breath on your neck ........
shivers down your sparkling spine ..........