Thursday, May 14, 2009
Hi - this is one of those
Hello. I wonder how your soul is?
I wonder if you ever undress your soul
with anyone?
We need to trust someone if
we get naked - yes?
It is wondrous to undress the soul.
Like a shower after a hot day.
Like preparing for clean clothes.
Grime gone
sweat gone
tiredness gone too.
I have this principle -
be as open and as honest as possible.
(It is L5 stuff
It is about mask-less-ness)
To be as honest as possible is
Undressing in public -
that means you !
because you are generous -
generous enough to click this way.
I am clear headed.
Much time,
since waking at 5 am,
thinking about a new home,
the downsizing.
The parting with
cd collection
video archives
garden furniture
books (please no)
60's wardrobe (please yes)
Training manuals
reference papers
got to decide - got to got to.
We have a possible new home.
We are going through a process.
I am not excited.
I reserve that for later.
If all goes through -
I will then start breathing deep again.
and wake at 7/8/9 - I hope?
I am now undressed
and feeling calm - still.
I know I am full of feelings.
Always am
and try to manage them.
Half full of faith too.
(The opposite to faith,
is not doubt,
it is certainty).
I believe as much as ever.
Not more.
As much as ever.
I avoid words which disconnect humans
without an experience of faith.
So my words are measured.
The faith I started with
is still my main driver.
It has changed beyond words.
It has aged and matured,
as a bottle of good wine,
just like my body
(but I hope a more pretty).
Back in the day
it was a fully human person
that I decided to follow
who was also fully divine.
I started a journey,
vision over visibility.
I don't believe I found the answer,
I believe I found the Way.
No turning back.