- Facilities and Health and Safety Manager, YMCA Norfolk
- Restaurant Assistant (Bank), YMCA London South West
- Nursery Nurse, YMCA Fairthorne Manor
- HR and Governance Co-ordinator, Birmingham YMCA
- Youth Worker, YMCA London South West
- Casual Kitchen Porter, YMCA Fairthorne Manor
- Parent Befriending Service Co-ordinator (Face to Face), Reigate and Redhill YMCA
- Yip4Youth Special Needs Co-ordinator/Duty Officer, Reigate and Redhill YMCA
- Head of Youth Services, Reigate and Redhill YMCA
- Referral and Assessment Worker, YMCA Norfolk
- Waking Night Residential Childcare Assistants, Sussex Central YMCA
- Residential Childcare Assistants, Sussex Central YMCA
- Residential Childcare Officers, Sussex Central YMCA
- Current vacancies, YMCA Bedfordshire
- Catering Assistant (Bank), YMCA London South West