Sunday, April 14, 2019

Madrid Airport Reflecting

Madrid Airport here.
Awaiting my flight.
Buzzing …………..

I have left Toledo the historic former capital of Spain this morning.
More impactful  
I have left behind a bunch of beautiful humans
from 17 different European nations who I have been BECOMING with in this last week.
I is impossible to describe the experience/s
Experiential meaning - it has got to be experienced to understand.
But I try …………….. here

It was 20 years ago when I last facilitated training in Armenia.
They didn’t forget me (because of the experiences - I believe).
In our group of BHP’s there was you beautiful young woman who was 11 when we met 20 years ago.
She was here.
She remembered me.
A bundle of joy.
Bubbling with enthusiasm - and now a trainer herself.
Vardan is the leader of this Peace movement ( YMCA ROOTS for Reconciliation )
A YMCA Europe Project - they do such great work with young humans in particular.
He was there in the 80’s and 90’s when I facilitated experiences in 
Armenia for Russians Georgians Armenians and more.

It was he who travelled to London more recently to invite me to facilitate training here.
He did not forget me even though I left YMCA employment in 2003 to to be a freelance trainer  - 
a BECOMING agent of change.
I have been 8 days away from my home base in a new community who are all friends by now.
The vibe was incredibly open and it was was a perfect setting to develop a climate of trust from day one.
Of course it was a 'Level Five' experience.
Search my website for many illustrations of L5  (‘Level Five’ ) in action.
These young guns are on the ground doing Peace Making in Nations 
riddled with conflict and histories of violence to each other.
They are 
Peace Breakers
Not only 
Peace Lovers

I am so impressed with their work and lives lived.

I sat at one time next to two young women.
One with her head on the others shoulder.
One from Russia
One from Ukraine 
Bonded as BECOMING humans
NOT like their Mother nations behave
NOT at war - as their governments seem to be.
The hugs exchanged in the whole group of participants is a beautiful demonstration of who they are.
I was my usual ‘Emotion Detective’ in my facilitation.
Multiple mixing of them into triads with 
Questions to respond to
Videos to learn from
Blob Tree Communication to the fore
Observations to read
Awareness and skill to develop.
I was first on day one.
Aiming at building a climate of trust.
Experiencing the beautiful
Opening like flowers to the sun.
Thereafter  ………….
relationships blossomed
bodies became closer
facial expressions maskless
Beautiful in all things.

These special young adults will be travelling back to their own base - 
Agents of Change.
Strategies as some would have when planning a garden
but here the humans are the Flowers
And the Nations are the Gardens ………..

Enough for now
My mind is exploding …………