Five words to describe my life at the moment;
Single and real words
don't seem to fit my 5 words brief at the moment.
I want to stretch them as I yearn to communicate.
I remember sitting with the Queen
and telling her about the five word answer by Santos
who I worked with that week/month/year.
(I didn't have the courage to ask her 5 WORDS.)
We all have five words.
Usually the positive ones come first.
there is a deeper google type interior search of the self
and a resulting deeper revelation comes through.
Often the latter words are more real than the former.
I find, humans are given so little opportunity to spill
or skilled or tuned to listening?
When someone is really listening -
I find that people will take risks and
share words of reality.
I am asked to do more training in
Team Work/Team Building than anything else.
So I see lots of teams.
'Games People Play' -
a book by Eric Berne
a good description of teams ............
If we can work at being authentic
being open
being Level Five
a different climate is evident
eyes active
emotional radar - ON
If a team is physically glued together -
hugging each other -
kissing each other.
the physical not really needed
because we can be there emotionally
without the physical.
It is beautiful to feel an un-requested
massage around your shoulders.
A touch to the arm
a kiss to the cheek
a touch to your foot from another under the table.
Fantastic if a team can hug and kiss -
but the bonding can happen
with major physical things.
Culture plays a part
and a group be bonded like a honeycomb
rather than
Marbles in a jar make a lot of noise
take up a lot of space
hardly touch
highly individual
hardly unique
a honeycomb however ……….
modules can’t be separated
without damaging one another …..
ONE is taken out
and damages six other modules
of 🅱🅴🅰🆄🆃🅸🅵🆄🅻 honey