Friday, August 20, 2004

...... sometimes I am desperate to click
I need to
I want to express myself
It is often when I am buzzing from being with humans

friends like you who engage with me deeper than the skin
humans who are living on the edge and struggle
humans who are screaming in need - maybe not knowing their need - maybe not caring because they are too deep in the pit.

I struggle to communicate with many people. The initial contact with them is rebuffed. I come back later or different. Never giving up.
The scary aggressive ones are in need and yet it is not easy to get through. If we can spend some time together - the vibe settles and humans can touch, maybe not finger tips, but in our rawness.

When I come home, having shared my own rawness to connect, I am drained. I need some space. I need some input. I have found ways, sometimes, to pick up alertness, passion, yearning again.

- a book from the pile which are the current 'on the go'
- a screaming good Rugby League game
- a fab meal in or out with humans I know well

I feel ok now. Not too drained.
I feel positive about the work and the plans for the future - stretch plans!
I feel good about a week-end of some chill and also good friends

Then - Greenbelt hmm
A drink of water which will quench a thirst I didn't know I had.

Thanx God for the new life around the corner - let me be expectant - and yet still surprised ........................
