Thursday, September 13, 2007

hello beautiful human

have you had a mask on today?
or would it be better saying
what mask have you had on today?

Being so blunt to you
I must answer that question myself
so Wilson Human
what do you say ..........

Today I have tried to be maskless.
I have tried to be like that by striving to be open about my vulnerabilities.
I can think of a list of strengths, I have a page full of those which I can refer to if I ever forget my positives in the rat race of life - and sometimes
feel like one!

I don't have a written list of my disabilities - vulnerabilities - weaknesses - imperfections ...... they sem to be written on my soul.
They pop up as regularly as the spell checker and tell me I am an idiot.
So I try to be maskless by being open about that list - especially when I am leading a group or a gig of some sort.
That is my attempt to be maskless .......... but .....

Some time ago I examined myself by asking if I was able to love another unconditionally.
L5 Love

................... I am committed to this
my Mision Statement has a line in it::
"I have decided to make my life an act of love"
but I don't believe I am achieving
because I am imperfection
sooooooooooooo ................. neither can I be maskless because
I strive
but fail
I believe in trying ............ striving

I accept this
like Love
like I love
Beautiful Imperfection

I believe God accepts this
Beautiful Imperfection
Her followers are all like this
it is the journey.

The mask I have been wearing today
A Trainer with a fabtastic group of humans
focused me
prepared me
timeframed me
passionate me
100% strivingyearning
but not showing enough vulnerability .........

"He who was strong became weak ........"
