Friday, January 08, 2010

My Family in Norway
The Sonnesyn Family::

Isn't this beautiful?

It all started in 1992 when both Oyvin and myself were International Trainers at a special gathering, an International Celebration and Training Conference of YMCA's.
It was the first ever such gathering of East and Western European YMCA humans since their 50 years of lockdown under Communism .

We gathered with many others from around Europe
and sprinklings from the rest of the world.
It was, see the pic, in a Castle in Tiszadob, Hungary.

(I always remember that the
telephone number there
was '4'.(YES - just '4' !!)

I noticed Oyvin because
he was the centre of attention
with his singing and guitar but
more-so, because he worked the fringes.
He was deliberately going out to the loners
those on the fringe of noisy
popular groups.

We became good friends and
my first visit to Norway was 1993.
Here I met all the family,
all pretty well grown up by now.
I was also introduced to brown cheese
on brown bread
with red jam on!

Since then I have travelled regularly
to work alongside the great man,
warmly welcomed into their home,
and had the privilege of seeing
the young beautiful humans
growing into adulthood.

They have been to Wilson Mansions.
We have had great times together
and I will be seeing them again
this month hey hey