Monday, January 04, 2010

I was in Bloomingdales in Chicago
searching for a wireless connection.
It was two years ago today 2008.
I picked up an email on my iPhone
from someone had an urgent message for my friend Martin.
I forwarded it to him
and thought no more.

I flew home from Chicago the next day
and received a call from Martin
telling me that our friend
John O'Donohue has died in his sleep.

John had been on holiday in France with the family of Kristine,
a wonderful woman he met at Greenbelt August 2007.
They had become the closest of friends and were planning their future together.
I was privileged to be there when Kristine and John met.
I snapped a series of pictures and delighted in that first contact with them.

I was shocked.
I clicked these words
my love for him.

I want to give you a hug
full body
head to toe

After yesterdays shocking news
again I am jolted.
Life is not always
and I don't want to lose you.

I believe in life eternal
but I love the life we have
don't want to lose it
don't want to lose you.

Nothing is more important
than grasping life today
because I don't want to lose you.

I want to be with you
drinking in the every drop
of your eye moisture
your facial expression
your body movements
intakes of breath
because I don't want to lose you.

I don't want to lose you
and the thought of it
wakes me up early
overtaking all else
scanning the mind
scanning the soul
because I don't want to lose you.

I want to be close enough
to feel your breath
feel your pain
feel your spirit
feel your ordinary
your being
your becoming
because I don't want to lose you.

I am full of feelings
my own feelings
and then touching yours
only part known
but I want them all
I want to be synergetic
because I don't want to lose you.

Words are not enough
but I try to express
because I don't want to lose you ......................

I am weeping again .................

+ Link to more of John O'Donohue