Thursday, January 02, 2014

'beautiful resistance'

Bethlehem Unwrapped is about 'beautiful resistance', not taking sides

Our church's festival and the replica of Israel's barrier uses art and poetry to tell the story of all those suffering in the Holy Land
Bethlehem Unwrapped at St James's Piccadilly
Bethlehem Unwrapped at St James's, Piccadilly. 'It would be wrong to sing about the town without acknowledging the grievous situation its citizens find themselves in today.'
St James's Church council knew it was a serious decision to host Justin Butcher's art installation illustrating contemporary life in Bethlehem, as part of the Bethlehem Unwrapped festival, but we took it carefully, understanding that it would provoke a wide variety of reactions.
The festival, about the town of Bethlehem at Christmas, is in response to a specific request from the united churches of the Holy Land for support by letting others know their story. We are supporting a peaceful Palestinian principle known as "beautiful resistance"; expressed in theatres, music projects and festivals that exist to counter military dominance with a commitment to non-violent artistic expression.
There have already been many thousands of visitors to the installation – a 26ft high replica of the variously named wall/barrier/security fence in Bethlehem – and in the church courtyard our stewards have listened to all viewpoints without exception. Visitors are invited to write a prayer from any faith tradition, or a message of peace and hope, and visitors have shared inspiring quotations by Abraham Lincoln and Albert Camus among others. A new poem by Robert vas Dias accompanying the exhibition is entitled Every Wall has Two Sides. Several have written "this wall saves lives". Anything offensive written on the wall has been removed immediately and the vast majority of conversations have been in an atmosphere by turns thoughtful, vigorous, respectful and animated.
The church council was unanimous in agreeing to host this installation and festival and the encouragement we have received from visitors, including Israelis and Palestinians, has been overwhelming. When we have been challenged about "taking sides" and "politicising the church" – which is a fair discussion to have – we are clear that we are not "pro" one side or another but we are instead campaigning for equal human rights for all people regardless of ethnicity or background. Sometimes the church will speak on issues seen as political in order to advocate for people who are suffering. We are supporting the ordinary people of Bethlehem at Christmas because we believe it would be wrong to sing about the town and meditate on its importance to our faith without acknowledging the grievous situation its citizens find themselves in today.
Of course we have attracted some criticism for doing this, and so, on behalf of the church, I would like briefly to address this head on. Some have said that by hosting this event, we are somehow refuting Israel's status as a state; some have even claimed that we are aligning ourselves with those who support the Holocaust, suicide bombings or that we are antisemitic. These accusations and the ease with which they are employed are totally irresponsible and inflammatory. We are acutely aware that antisemitism is real and pernicious and we stand strongly against all forms of racism including antisemitism.
What's more, this church, more than others, takes very seriously its engagement with Hebrew scripture on its own terms within our liturgies and study groups and will continue to do so. We support the state of Israel's right not only to exist but to flourish as a member of the international community within secure, internationally recognised borders.
Secondly, we have been challenged that the installation does not acknowledge the government position that the wall was built for security reasons to protect Israeli citizens. It is important therefore to repeat that this is articulated on every leaflet, every display board, and on the festival and church's own websites. It is also projected on to the wall installation along with an acknowledgment that the barrier has been declared illegal under international law. From the very beginning of programming, the organisers have wanted to provide an opportunity for different views to be expressed, particularly in the scheduled panel discussion, Both Sides of the Barrier – Separation or Security? We are very glad that Alan Johnson from the British Israel Communications and Research Centre will be on the panel for this event with other Palestinian and Israeli speakers, and are actively seeking a speaker to replace the Israeli embassy representative, who recently withdrew having previously accepted, to ensure that the case for the wall's building is put as strongly as possible.
Twenty people from this church visited Bethlehem in October. Our only authority in hosting this installation derives from the people we met there who say, with dignity and in peace, that their lives are intolerable, and that they feel they have no hope and no future. In standing with them, we absolutely refuse to denounce a population because of the actions of a government. This applies to every nation and population, including Israel. It is because of our understanding that grief and suffering is universally destructive to Palestinian and Israeli families that we are supporting the development of the Bethlehem Future Peacemakers project, training young Palestinians in leadership and peacemaking, which includes a trip to Auschwitz.
In liberal democracies and free societies it must be possible to raise and debate these issues, including in art or poetry, without demonising anyone or being demonised ourselves. With people of all faiths, we continue to pray in 2014 for peaceful change so that a just and lasting solution is found.
• Bethlehem Unwrapped is at St James's Piccadilly until 5 Jan,