...... I will be going today .............. Greeceland ............ landing soon into a 30 degree haze and culture of blue sea, tavernas, Greek Salads and really warm red wine.
Feel a bit spaced coz not dashing off just yet. Things to do but not many. Packed almost. iPod charged with capacity 30 gigs of music - about 20 days of night and day - non stop vibes.
I will be blogging while I am away - I plan to.
My laptop will work - I hope - if I can plug in somewhere but that is just for emails. I will blog to you in a little cyber Greek bar - not seen but it is there in my imagination.
I am always trying to be familiar with my inner terrain. Holiday will trigger some journey of emotion and discovery. There is always 'what we do' and also 'what is happening inside' as we do it. The more familiar I am with my inner terrain - the more I can understand myself and walk aright and love. Love the unlovely - a challenge eh?
We can learn so much from ourselves, that a human teacher need only be a bonus. As a Christian I believe that God lives here (thumping chest) and all other places. Understanding me - inner and outer - is also reaching out my finger tip to God and understanding the Creators touch in it all.
Ghandi called life "experiments with truth" and the first truth is working on the self.
God with us is a nice line but so important to me. I want to walk with my finger tip in constant touch with Gods.
And sometimes I feel his finger tip slip away from mine ............ and it is felt ....... then ............. the full imprint of his fingerprint .............. in another place ............................ ...................on my soul.