Five words to describe my life at the moment::
So here I am - laptop on my knee - TV's Big Brother finished and a programme on now on TV about adoption.
Real humans telling their stories.
I weep as I see and hear human emotion.
My eyes glaze as I try to keep on clicking .........
Could you adopt a child? There is not a shortage of beautiful human children. Consider.
A four hour commute always leaves me tired. Hot hot stinking hot tube trains as they fill up entering central London. It is like stepping into an oven.
It saps the energy. It dulls the mind....... and I thank God for my iPod and the beautiful grooves entering my soul via the ears.
All my 5 words above could trigger a page of type as a reflection.
These stubby fingers won't do that anytime - certainly not tonight.
I love my work. I consider life to be a Mission NOT a job to make money to spend on 'real life' = when not working!
I live to work and then be re-created by the wondrous relationships with family, friends and many beautiful short encounters.
BUT also my work brings me such refreshment in terms of stretch and encounters with humans.
SO the whole of life is Mission. No such thing as dualism. Double life. Separation. I yearn and live for wholeness and don't want to downgrade any part of my life. YET ................... I do and want to spend time with beautiful humans who are having tough times. I benefit so much and I believe I can make a contribution.
I am looking forward to Saturday when we will eat out at our favourite Italian restaurant in Covent Garden. The reason, apart from 'it is always special', is because we are meeting Annabel our 'Level Five' friend who is over from her home and work in Hong Kong. Being with her is always like taking a shower of golden openness. We will enjoy the full-on catchup.
Looking at the diary .......... Joan and I have a regular meeting to ensure we know the ever changing dates ....... we see a slide into Greenbelt with a lot to do before that.
One week of Greenbelt heaven - it is then directly into a busy schedule with a one week break in late October.
Then we are away for Christmas, at Joy's, then in the Portland, Oregon USA, for New Year ................ to enjoy the wedding of Jenika and Richard hey hey.
Tomorrow I will be buying a 2008 diary ..............