When I return home from and all giving gig
and Joan is away
I feel the signals of 'loneliness'
When I enter the presence of a new group
and we know nothing of each other
I feel the signals of 'loneliness'
When I enter a residents dining hall
and ask if I can sit with another, or a group of strangers
I feel the signals of 'loneliness'
When I choose to sit alone in a residents dining hall
to give others the choice of sitting with me - or not
I feel the signals of 'loneliness'
I feel the signals of 'loneliness'
I feel the signals of 'loneliness'
I feel the signals of 'loneliness'
I need to be able to recognise these feelings
feel them
note them
but through that 'clocking' of them
not being controlled by them.
Feelings, are signals, not judgement on us
not declarations against our worth
not a battering ram against the self esteem of our unique soul.
I am not scared of feeling
I am not controlled by feelings
I am excited when the spectrum of feeling extends.
New experiences are opportunities for growth
new feelings trigger new searches for understanding and sensitivity
new feelings feed the soul
the heart of us
the core of us
the place where God places his unique finger print
the place that turns ever breath into a prayer.
Breathe on me breath of God
fill me with life brand new .........
I feel the signals of 'gratefulness'