Saturday, March 08, 2008

Had a day off yesterday.
Don't do many days off.
I always end up working.
A day at home is a days work.
Unless I go out
So me and Joan did.

Ann was filming in a massive Mall, US expression, or Shopping Precinct.
It was a live show so we were invited and had a front row seat.
You can see the scene from the pictures here. Click them and they enlarge - and on the second one you can see Sheila working - if you know her.

I have 117 pictures - lots of Sheila and the rest of her crew but I won't publish until I get them through the censor!!

I will let you know when the programmes go live on TV.

And ..... I visited the Apple Shop and touched a Macbook air - and had a great fish meal with Joan.

Nice day out - must do more often ............ now in prep for a trip flying into Belfast today and back tomorrow IF the aeroplane can get through the extreme weather warning!!
