Wednesday, March 12, 2008
The last time a group of us managed to get together for a curry was when Richard was about to leave us for a new life in the USA and to get married!!
That was November 2007.
We miss you Richard and everyone was asking about you and I told them to read your stinking blog (not that it stinks but - I just wanted to add some emphasis.)
Gill Hewitt was an attraction alongside U2, and June from NI, Ross from the US (he must live there because he never comes out for a curry) - and Paul flying in from Guernsey and so many other beautiful humans who have not met together for stinking ages.
Life is purposeless without a pint and a curry (I forget the exact Bible verse reference)
Gill was leaving the Greenbelt office team (but never the community) so we said good-bye with a drink and AND she got a stinking iPhone as a farewell present (hidden in a box of Maltesers!) She will be greatly missed for her loving detailed attention, wisdom and fantastic experience of the festival and connections .........
I was kissed several times hey hey (thanx Jude) - I have been missin the kissin ......
Alison - who I always manage to take a photograph of the back of here hand - let me in to get this good pic midst the curry banter and laughter.
(We plan to have a Wedding Curry sometime towards the end of the year as we have another marriage coming up hey hey)
It was just a good gig
U2 - yes
the pint for Gill - yes
the Curry for 10 of us - yes
Please try to make the next one - yes - you out there around the small sphere called 'earth' ................. let us know when you are in town and we put out the warning notices ....
(PS - the pic of Big John is him being tired rather than upset at leaving the group after the curry - and then we then stayed up till 4 am as he helped me get my low-tech mind around changes I need to make as I journey with a mission into, and through, a place called uncomfortable ......................:-)