Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hey hey
I have been away for a few days in a hotel in the midlands.
The middle of England - that is.

So I left the Leaning Towers of
and travelled up the spine of the UK,
usually called the M1.

I was facilitating a development conference for young humans
who mainly live in residential accommodation and
most have had a tough old time with this thing called LIFE.

I will tell you more later but
they were joined after the training experience,
by their CEO's and Chairman of each Board of management.

My job was to get them working together.
Not only at the conference but beyond .
..... beyond into the every day, every week.

I have now got 200 emails in my box.
Well behind on catching up with life
(apologies for not replying yet)

I am inspired by the humans I have been with.
I count it a privilege to do something with them
which is life affirming
awareness raising,
tools for theur toolbox stuff.
I gain so much.

Be blessed you special human.
Breath deep.

Breath deep.
in and out ........
Notice that, as you breath in - and then out ..........
that there is a the slightest of moments
- a gap of preciousness ...............

Take that moment to say thank you .........

Dance like no-one is watching
Sing like no-one is listening
Love like you have never been hurt.

Feelosophy Communication Tools here::