Yesterday evening I was one of many beautiful humans at Romford YMCA to celebrated the work and life of a beautiful, (to young to retire) human.
In 1987 she became my PA at Romford YMCA and worked alongside me for 16 years before I left to go freelance in 2003.
After a total of 31 years she is now leaving - too young
- too young ...............
There was a massive turnout at the Y last night as we celebrated her work and long wondrous commitment to being PA to two CEO's with speeches from a past Chair of the Y and both CEO's.
Gill has remained a friend with Steve her husband - to both MrsBeautiful & myself AND that will remain!
Gill has always been calm and efficient. Solid in her work as Secretary to the Board and with Staff all these years. We have never exchanged a cross word and I don't know a single person who she has been hard or abrupt with. She has been cool under pressure and became a friend to so many both inside our charity and thousands of others at home and abroad who we have been in touch with.
Originally she worked on a manual typewriter - then a word processor before we moved to real computers - and I remember well when we obtained our first email address - info@RomfordYMCA.org
Floods of memories here.
She was never a 9 to 5 person. She always did the extras like week-end strategy conferences, networking with other PA's in the London Region and night-outs for events & meals with members and residents.
The enclosed photos show her off in many contexts with many hair 'do's' !
This the sort of person who is unbelievable in terms of her temperament and ability to deliver work under pressure.
She was always typing my reports, newsletters, emails and three books during these years::
Games without Frontiers.
The Rolling Magazine Book
Family Party Games.
It is certainly not good bye.
I expect we will see more of Steve & Gill in the months ahead.
Thank you Gill for everything.
The work of course BUT
for being such a beautiful human to know and to love.
I ended my little speech yesterday by naming 5 words to describe her.
(This is a question I have asked many times to many people and with wondrous responses)
(my abbreviation for a BEAUTIFUL HUMAN PERSON)