The #BlobTree#Materials #communicate
without #words -
the #primary #languages =
#facial #expression & #bodyLanguage
What to do with our feelings?
We don't become damaged
due the quantity of experiences dumped on us
It is passivity that dulls feeling.
Some people are #slagging off #Prince Harry.
He is joining the dots between his inner & outer
which we all need to work at.
A life’s work.
#Prince #Harry is working on his
#EmotionalLiteracy / #EmotionalIntelligence -
some are ridiculing him due to the words used = #MentalHealth
When I tell you #YouAreBeautiful - think below the surface.
I have found that getting to know myself better
helps me to understand others more.
... ¥o☋ @☈☰ ♭☰@☋☨ί∱☋ᒪ .....
if you can't believe that of yourself .....
...... I will…
... l⃣o⃣v⃣i⃣n⃣g⃣y⃣o⃣u⃣
"The experience of
being listened to
is so close to the experience of
being loved
as to be indistinguishable."
Sara Savage