I am aware that in moments of a day tears arrive in my eyes.
Maybe once a day.
Maybe twice a week.
Maybe feeling something from TV, YouTube, Music, or an observation in the street.
Sometimes the tears stay hidden behind my eyes, no liquid, but emotion is there.
I feel it there.
I want to feel them.
Also I want to understand them.
I am going to pay more attention to these moments.
Feel them more
by reflecting on why
* this moment
* this thought
* this memory
* this feeling .....
to understand more who I am.
The triggers that open my soul emotionally.
I am becoming more aware, as I get older,
that I can't do all I want to do - can't deliver so much.
I still have passion & creative stirrings in my soul but not the energy I once had.
This means that I need to prune my priorities more.
A sign always on my desk. 'STRATEGIC PRIORITIES'.
Maybe I need to concentrate more on being than doing.
Yet BECOMING developing changing stretching creating learning thirsting yearning are priorities.
I still want to experience and reflect on growth
which does not reside in a place called comfortable.
Yearning to become ……….