Tuesday, December 03, 2019

If I had not gone to my Doctor & told him about my weak urine flow .......

If I had not gone to my Doctor & told him about my weak urine flow .......
I would not have had a blood test
I would not know, even now, that I have Prostate Cancer.

If your flow is slow - get early to your Doc.
A quick blood test will give you the clear or .......

My cancer has spread beyond the prostate.
To bone
To other venues ............

I will not know the spread until next Friday 13th.
I will be seeing the Clinical Oncologist.
He will have all the details of all my scans/MRI/etc.

Yesterday I had my last CT scan.(HOPE)
I had to drink a lot of water before hand
AND a jug full in the waiting room before my turn.

Then they pumped a dye into my blood stream
before the rolled me through a 
big lorry sized tyre shaped machine.

It wasn't the hour long experience in the MRI department.
It did fill up my body with heat.
I did have to use my deep breathing exercises to relax.
I still feel pretty normal.
Usual energy.
Don't feel ill at all.

LONG may it continue