Update on Cancer situation.
I have a PSA blood test this Thursday which will be a major step in knowing how things are going on inside me!
I see the Consultant Oncologist on April 3rd.
I will then know if my treatment has been working …
… positive or negative.
I still generally feel normal / well::
No pain
A little more fatigue
Sleeping often disturbed.
I am not delivering life as per normal.
I just can’t do all I want to do.
Lifestyle wise::
I feel ok but sad I need to stop my 121’s in London.
My daughters are wanting me to stop my LONDON visits due immune system being a virus risk.
I travel regularly to hold 121 sessions with beautiful humans.
I have decided to stop these until the virus become less of a World /National / London problem.
We are all caught up in this virus thing - worldwide - all of us have decisions to make..
I hope you are planning how you manage this as you continue to be productive in your life?
The lack of my 121 sessions cuts out a big part of my life/ purpose so ……
I have started looking at my life and how I can be productive in other ways.
I need to write more.
I have wanted to write two more books especially::
1:: Pip WiL8ON - I have so much material for this one.
2:: ‘Five-a-Day for Emotional Wellbeing’ - which I keep rewriting / tweaking.
Journey in more …… inside.
'Emotion Detective’ stuff - learning from my emotions and behaviour (and from others too)
I want to write for my sake and what I can share with others.
So - I try to share where I am at and
privileged that you dip into my ups and downs here.
Feel free to share where you are at - I will hold it confidentially.
Close to my heart.