I am going to get my life together virus or not.
I have slipped up from time to time.
It was all new to me.
I fumbled.
I stumbled.
I wept.
I was inflicted with change.
I was thrown hard balls.
I am alive -
Life today is full of change.
Some days not really tough,
BUT I yearn to be
outside my comfort zones
where growth resides.
I am just being dramatic?
NO - life is full of change
Like or Lump it.
I never thought
we would be still living
doing what I love.
I never thought I would be
meeting such
beautiful humans
tortured humans
dysfunctional humans
light-full humans
fragile beauty-full humans
failed full beautiful humans
damaged humans
who have lifted my soul.
When I was 15 years old working in a factory.
I never thought I would become
a totally freelance facilitator/educator/trainer/life-coach.
I never thought I would be
a Granddad to two little beautiful girls.
And there has been
many more changes.
Largely through challenges.
My internal Pip
become more fragile,
become more sensitive,
become more vulnerable,
become more yearning,
become more seeking,
become more reflective,
become more ............
I wonder what your thoughts are
on this?
I guess you constantly suss me out.
Strive to understand me
me too.
Some think,
because I left community leadership
17 years ago, that I had retired
(damn - I have used that word!!)
Some think that,
because I have moved out of London,
means that I have ………... 'R'.
I admit that I don't relish the thought
don't relish that state
don't relish not being able to be active
doing what I passionately desire to do.
Even with this distraction -
Go away Corona.
I will carry on gigging.
I will carry on writing
I will carry on becoming emotionally literate
I will carry on becoming more spiritually literate
I will carry on meeting humans
I will carry on building helping relationships.
I will carry on supporting the wounded
I will carry on learning, reading, interacting,
I will carry on striving to LOVE
Learning to Love …………….
One day some of these will fade away.
I need to come to terms with this.
That, and other decisions,
will be my focus today.
I will walk daily
I will.
(unless I am away,
or weather is wicked)
I will be a good Granddad.
I will learn to live on a Pension
I will have to.
I will read daily.
I will pray with every breath.
I will continue to eat healthily.
I will love.
I will love the unlovely.
I will eradicate a 'LOVE off' switch
I will learn.
I will journey
I will remind you 'you are beautiful'
I will become well travelled
in relationships
in values
in love.
Welcome into my life,
I will receive your hard balls,
welcome your
AND I want to challenge you!
To write 3 x I wills.
Will you do that?
Three stretching challenges for you
in starting with “I WILL….”
Stay Beautiful