Yesterday 9th October 2020 I had my consultancy with my Oncologist via phone.
It has been 6 months & this is call to check how I was doing
and for him to give me the results of my latest blood test.
Background if you are not up to date.
It was October last year when I informed my Doctor about my poor urine flow.
Immediately he had me have a blood test and within a day I called me in to tell me
that I had prostate cancer.
Anything above 4 was an indication of cancer.
My PSA blood test was 49
I was then caught up in a series of MRI and other intrusive scans and tests to dig deep into what is in there.
Result was:: I have cancer in my prostate & spreading into my pelvis, spine and one rib.
My treatment has been Hormone injections once every three months - for life.
The cancer will remain but the objective is to hold it back from spreading.
The injections reduce my testosterone which the cancer feeds off.
Six months ago my treatment reduced the PSA to 0.7 - a good result.
Generally I have not been feeling ill.
Only a few of the expected side effects like Hot Sweats, weight gain, fatigue.
Yesterday my phone call, two hours later than arranged, you can imagine the pressure these guys work in,
I was informed that my PSA was now 7.3 = an expected increase.
The treatment now means tablets added to the injections.
Next health check is three months.
I asked the Consultant about supplements.
He said that our bones get thinner as we age and in addition my treatment also will thin out my bones.
He recommended vitamin D & Calcium which will strengthen the bones.
My beautiful daughters have already shopped and stocked me up !
Thankfully no more scans - they were the worst part of the journey.
Thank you for being there and being such great friends and supportive beautiful humans.