As our neighbour in the flat above is taken away by an emergency ambulance
Me - full of emotion ................
The Barrett Band at Greenbelt - I was there.
The Greenbelt Festival at Knebworth.
Norman Barrett a friend RIP - BHP
Little Norm we called him because there was another friend called -
Big Norm RIP - BHP
Both from the North - not to far from St Helens my ex home town.
Both from the North - not to far from St Helens my ex home town.
Here is Little Norm singing
‘I have never seen your face’- so powerful.
Such meaning for me.
So much emotion in the song.
The Voice
near the end there is a Guitar Solo at which I weep.
‘I have never seen your face’- so powerful.
Such meaning for me.
So much emotion in the song.
The Voice
near the end there is a Guitar Solo at which I weep.
I weep for the men.
I weep for the song
I weep for the lyrics
and the guitar solo tips me over the edge ……..
I weep for the song
I weep for the lyrics
and the guitar solo tips me over the edge ……..