If you are a regular in this place you will know that I repeat often::
'Growth does not reside in a place called comfortable'.
The principle is -
if we have a mission or purpose,
we have a chosen direction.
That is always imperfection in my experience.
There are always fumbling and stumbling.
Always mistakes.
Always changes to direction
Always learning
Always learning from mistakes
Always tough times - but
we still have a greater purpose than just surfing.
Surfing life.
Surfing every issue to just get the best out of it for self.
All this is linked to Spiritual Literacy - being in tune with a greater spiritual influence
All this is linked to Emotional Literacy - being a student of understanding emotions and learning to manage them.
All this is linked to Behavioural Literacy - being able respond with positive personal behaviour, managing feelings, rather than being controlled by them.
PS - If you search my www.pipwilson.com here
(TOP Right side column = 'The beauty within')