First day with a group of beautiful humans who I will be spending time with for seven weeks - seven days and I love - lurve that longevity of working with a group.
So much satisfaction. Such a thrill to be getting to know - journeying together - discovery - learning - meeting - being - becoming .........
I feel good about a few things.
A monthly article in a magazine - more details later ..........
More work and mission around the country and maybe around the globe ............
Book soon to be published, but a bit worried about the progress .. ...........
Possibility of some group work at the point of extreme need .......
A new Laptop which is in possession but what do I do with it to get it to be my servant - hell - I feel inadequate .....
Music around me, and within me, that shakes my core .....
Love and yearning from being with the Sheilas last night .. .. ............
A challenge to design and deliver a years courses for 140 humans .........
Delight at being young ........
Delight that you read my blog .. .. .......
Delight that I remain passionate . .......
Delight that you share your hurts with me as well as your delights .....
Cointreau ........
Delight in a depth of spirituality that is 1% but on a journey .. .... ... .............
...... and I light a little cigar and say thanxxxxxxxxxxx