..... Joy has bought a carpet already!!
Joan Joy and Ann are in this famous Moroccan city - only Casablanca is more famous.
I am all alone while they have a good time and I feel ......
They do a girlie short break once a year and leave me to it.
I lurve that they do this.
So often adult children don't want to hang out with parents.
Thank you God that these two do.
A great meal out last week and a short break with Mum now - wow.
Cannot show any pictures until they return but then ....... you will get a flood of them -like-it-or-lump-it.
Had a great day myself.
Nothing is better for my soul
to work with a group like today
a group of humans
not yet
soon to be
and better still
Highlight ...... so many.
I think it must be how a group of strangers can come together
discover each other
and a learning community
start to open up like flowers to the sun
sharing their greatness
and as part of that greatness
their vulnerability.
It is really 'an ability' to do that.
So many humans NEVER experience a group where they can experience Level Five communication.
(if you are new to this blog and don't understand - just search this blog in the bar above - and you will see many references and details to scratch your itch!)
Next week end we have a L5 time away.
This is the group that has been meeting since 1980
(not the group from today)
..................... for 26 years - nearly 27.
It hurts to be vulnerable.
But we get used to it
it is joy through pain
an new world
as we discover ourselves
and others too
You, the group today, are beautiful humans and it is wondrous that I can be part of your life experience down the road less travelled .........
So much more to reflect upon
learn from.
It will leak out here
on these pages
as I reflect and ............. watch this space ..........