Gilles my favourite DJ was in Bergen, Norway, on Monday and I moan inwardly.
And a little grrrr
Why was he not there when I was.
Favourite place - favourite DJ.
Strawberries AND Cream!
Thanx Tobias for hanging out with me in your town.
Showing me around Bergen.
Food and a drink.
And much beautiful Level Five conversation.
Loveitloveit .....
Cinematic Orchestra.
Major impact on ears - soul - life ............and this band have a new album out and I am awaiting the delivery.
I never recommend a restaurant or a holiday destination, not even Bergen, but I am biting my tongue when it comes to the Cinematics.
Think I need to do a week of their older vibes for you on my PiPod.
Have played 2 or 3 here from the new album already.
Catcha groove and see if you like .......
The Sheilas bought me an iPod Nano for my birthday.
I have a Shuffle and a 40 gig old one but I desired this 2 gig one for my constant lightweight commuting.
So this is a three iPod pipod clicking to ya ..........
I lurve Bergen .......
Think with me here::At a party ....... interesting how some humans say hello and move away in almost a rush.Politely-programmed in saying hello and then, with appropriate speed, ...... moving on.....More important humans to talk to eh?Have you ever been at a party and felt trapped talking to one person and with earshot there is a group having a fantastic discussion and a good laugh about it too?Want to be there with them?I feel these things too ....... but I have decided I want to be with the human I am with .....
I love Norway
I love Norwegians
I wonder if I will ever be invited back.
I have enough work to keep my soul burning hot here in the UK
and I don't want to go there on holiday
but I do get excited with the challenge of working there ................. and enjoy the minutes of holiday in between too!
Big John once asked me::
"Do you ever lose your cool - I have never seen you lose it?"
I don't now.
I used to.
I used to flame up and have a foul temper.
Once, when we lived in a little flat above a a seven days a week back street Youth Club ......... we used to stay open until two am to cater for all the young drinkers when they left the pub at 11pm.
Once, as I was saying, I 'lost it' and pulled a picture off our flat wall and smashed it to bits.
I was so shocked.
Where did that come from?
It really did get me to think and wrk differently .......... and more .....
It was tension and inadequacy.
Now I am not like that ..................
other than still got inadequacy of a differing kind ......
A couple of weeks ago I experienced a surge of real strong agitation.
My iMac was running slow - gets on my stinking nerves sometimes ........ grrr
Joan and I had taken a day off and I was trying to finish some 'work' - yes on my day off!!!!
A couple of other things happened and I felt that surge.
It took me by surprise.
This is the stuff of high blood pressure - I thought.
As I drove away I was telling Joan about the feeling.
It stayed with me for about an hour.
It died slowly.
I was doing an analysis on it.
I had not felt that for a long time so I was trying to get in touch with the feelings.
Agitation - not angry
- irritation - not rage ..........
I thought that some humans feel like that a lot.
Many times even.
This stuff would make me ill ................ I thought.
There was a trigger or more
There was the feelings.
There was a job needed to manage those feelings ........ not explode them out
or implode them in ......
Wow - what damage could be done if they were capped like a volcano - wow ....... what if they came out and poured molten piplava all over those around me .....
Only this week ...... I led a role play in which every human in the room was involved.
The feelings were powerful.
All of us had them.
Real feelings - tears and sadness - (flowed mingled down) .......... it was powerful and yet the three role-plays lasted less than a minute each !!
It was all about feeling dem feelings and then doing analysis on them.
It was an exercise so we could learn from it.
So many humans are scared of feelings.
Love the great ones of course - we all do.
But run like hell and hide from the ugly ones.
Force them underground.
I believe feelings are signals.
Signals tell us that we need to do something.
Signals to journey into .........
Do you stop at a red light?